Ever wondered how programming languages work?
How is source code written in a language like C translated into binary?

HackerSpace PESU-ECC presents to you the β€˜Build Your Own Compiler’ workshop!

Date: 10th March, 2023
Venue: Seminar Hall-2
**Timing:**3:30- 5:30 pm

Here are the some of the reasons to come and join us for this workshop!
πŸ‘‰ Learn how compilers work with their love language, binary
πŸ‘‰ Familiarise yourself with the workflow for writing assembly programs.
πŸ‘‰ Learn with simple languages like Python
πŸ‘‰ Learn from our best mentors and get assistance throughout, making it as easy as ABC 0 and 1.
πŸ‘‰ And for the cherry on top, build your very own compiler through this workshop!
πŸ‘‰ No entry fee!
πŸ‘‰ Mentors will be present in case of any difficulty and to help you dive deeper into the topic. Don’t hesitate to come and ask us your queries!

πŸ‘‰ Python 3.8 or above
πŸ‘‰ gcc 8.1.0
πŸ‘‰ Understanding of file handling in python
πŸ‘‰ A laptop with an Intel or AMD processor (If you have a mac that came out after 2020 and has an M1, make sure you can use a simulator like UTM or QEMU)

Is it for you?
Students from all years are welcome to join in
After the workshop, our aim is that the participants will be capable of making their own language and know what to look for to expand their knowledge of the topic if interested.

Don’t forget to register! Click here.

For any further questions contact: Anirudh Rowjee, +91 9980029716